The Aesthetic and Functional Aspect of Color in Contemporary Interior Design

Abstract in English

The researcher study the color concept in modern age, and clarify the theories of harmony and contrast of colors. Also he talked about the color philosophy, which include a study of the relation between color and shape, form, space…, and a study of the psychological' colors effects on number of interiors, Residential, Educational, Cultural, Commercial, Health care… Finally, the research end to give the most important considerations and steps that should be followed in the study to any color scheme of an interior space, in a way that achieve the functional aspect as first, and aesthetic aspect as second.

References used

Color." ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA.Encyclopedia Britannica 2007 Ultimate Reference Suite.Chicago: Encyclopedia Britannica, 2007
Definition of Interior Design ,ASID American Society Of Interior Designers
Educational Spaces ,Volume 2, The Imaging Publishing Group Pty Ltd, 2000
