The Tectonic impact on the river terraces In coastalrange – Syria

Abstract in English

The study of Quaternary terraces in the south of the coastal chain, safita and Marmaritadistrict, constitute a great importance in understanding the geological and structural conditions, that prevailed in the region in that period. The rivers Abrash andAL-Arousplayed a major role in the formation of these quaternary terraces from the lower Quaternarytill Holocene. These terraces were distributed on a narrow space and points spread over the basins of the rivers in the south of the coastal chain. The high of these terraces, between tens to hundreds meters, are a strong indicator of the advancement of theuplift movements affecting the region in recent times, compared with the uplift of that terraces of other important riverssuch the Euphrates and Nahr El-Kabir-Ash-Shemaliriver,according to thestratigraphy and lithology studies, using GPStechniques to determinethe sites high et compare these values with global data, and then appreacitethe tectonic effect on the region. A numerical model tectonicactivity– terraces uplift is proposed.

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