Character Analysis In A bdoul Karim Nassif's "Al Makhtoofoon"

Abstract in English

This research provides a presentation of the character concept as a basic artistic element in the novel's structure, according to the structural concept, then it provides the character analysis in A bdoul Karim Nassif's "Al Makhtoofoon", presenting the adopted methods by the writer to structure the characters, and their roles, and the significance of their name. Through analysis, we will figure out the artistic style adopted by the writer to employ the character as an artistic component wich has its prominent role in the novel's artistic structure.

References used

وهبي، مجدي، 1974 ، معج مصطلحات الأدب، مكتبة لبنان، بيروت.
بحراوي، حسن، 1990 ، بنية الشكل الروائي، المركز الثقافي العربي، بيروت، الدار البيضاء.
