The impact of GAFTA implementation on the most important fruits (apple and orange) in Syria

Abstract in English

Fruits' trading is considered one of the most important agricultural trades in Syria, due to its big incomings and its role in supporting the national economy. GAFTA members are representing the biggest partner for Syria in this trade. The aim of this research was to assess the impact of GAFA on the exports and imports of orange and apple which are considered the most important Syrian fruits, by using dummy variables through the time series of (1994 - 2010). The research showed that GAFTA had no significant impact on any of the studied commodities through the transitional phase (1998-2004), while it had a positive significant effect on both of the exports and imports of these commodities after the full implementation stage (2005-2010). Significant differences were found between the three stages (before- during- after) GAFTA implementation. after implementation stage showed significant differences comparing to the other stages, in which the exports and imports of both orange and apple had increased in this stage comparing to the previous ones by quantity and value.

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