Screening of local isolates of Streptomyces bacteria for glucose isomerase enzyme production

Abstract in English

Forty Isolates of Streptomyces bacteria were obtained from soil samples from different regions of Syria (Damascus, Sweida, Daraa, Homs, Latakia, Damascus, Hasakeh, Deir-ezzor) during 2012. The isolates were identified using ISP (International Streptomyces Project) methodology based on morphological and physiological criteria. Isolates were grown on selective solid media depending on growth density as an indicator of the consumption of xylose as an unique carbon source then on liquid media to determine their ability to produce the glucose isomerase enzyme. The crude enzyme was extracted using CTAB 0.1% solution, the enzyme activity was estimated using glucose as a substrate and the end product was measured colorimetrically at 560 nm. Results showed that the 40 isolates belong to 29 different species of Streptomyces. All isolates were able to produce glucose isomerase but they varied in their efficiency. Isolate SH10 (S. roseiscleroticus) was distinguished by its high level of enzyme production reaching 4.9 units /ml.

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