Students' Attitudes toward Quranic Studies at Tabuk Teachers' College

Abstract in English

This study aimed at identifying students' attitudes toward Quranic studies at Tabuk Teachers' College. For this purpose to be achieved, a questionnaire of 32 items was prepared covering three main areas namely; 1- students' interest in Quranic studies, 2- Quranic studies status, 3- society respect to Quranic studies.

References used

Hirschfeld .hartwig: ( 1902 ) new researches into compistion.and exegesis of the quran –london p.90
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خريسات، محمد سليمان ( 1995 ): اتجاهات طلاب كلية المجتمع نحو الإرشاد التربوي، رسالة ماجستير غير منشورة، جامعة اليرموك، الأردن.
