Public and Higher Education in Al Quds and Palestinian lands (Problems and Requirements)

Abstract in English

This research deals with the reality of the General and the Higher Education in Jerusalem and the Occupied Palestinian lands in addition to their problems and requirements. This research aims to be introduced to old schools in Jerusalem city and to realize the reality of the General Education in Palestine in general, and in Jerusalem in particular through some indicators (students, schools, teachers), to be introduced to the reality of the Palestinian Higher Education through some educational indicators, to be introduced to the problems and challenges that face the Palestinian Higher Education and the most important requirements to be developed.

References used

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8- دائرة المعلومات والدراسات (2005): ظاهرة التسرب من المدارس الفلسطينية الأسباب، الإجراءات الوقائية والعلاجية، منشورات وزارة التربية والتعليم العالي الفلسطينية
