A Kinetic study of dissolution of Iron and Titanium from Syrian basalt at different conditions
published by Damascus University
in 2012
and research's language is
Abstract in English
The dissolution rate of Iron and Titanium from Syrian basalt rock was
studied by hydrochloric acid, sulfuric acid, mixture of hydrochloric acid
methanol, sulfuric acid methanol solutions. The effects of temperature, time of
digesting and concentrations of acids have been investigated, the ratios of solid
to liquid and stirring speed were constant (S/L=0.02). It has been clear that
when the mixture of hydrochloric acid and methanol (100:50(V:V)
HCL:CH3OH) was used, the best dissolution for both iron and titanium was
obtained when we digested the rock and it took 6h at 100 ˚C where as the
concentration of hydrochloric acid and methanol were [HCl]=11M, [CH3OH]
=0.92M, the resulting ratios of dissolution of iron and titanium in the
mentioned conditions were 75.53%, 63.19 % respectively.
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