Sedimentary and Palaeogeographic Evolution of Kurachina Dolomite Formation in the Palmyrian Belt Zone in Syria

Abstract in English

This research aims to study the sedimentary and palaeogeographic evolution of the Kurachina Dolomite Formation along Palmyrian belt zone. Studying this formation in its Northern and Southern parts has shown that it consists of two lithostratigraphic members, where each of them includes a series of lithological units. The petrological study of the components of these units shows that they are composed of four distinguished facies: Dolomitic limestones, clayey limestones, clays and anhydrites, pure or mixed, and deposited in repeated harmonic layers, gathered mostly in neutral sedimentary sequences. Dolomitic limestones are the most common and important facies, they are composed of micrite muds which have been subjected, in different degrees to synsedimentary or late dolomitisation processes through pumping or burial mechanisms. Dolomitisation intensity decreases downward the formation and increases laterally from the south to the north of the Palmyrian chain.

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