The Impact of Translating Quran According to the Fundamentalists

Abstract in English

The Impact of Translating Quran According to The Fundamentalists Studying the holy quranic vocabulary is very important for understanding the desired meanings, that the scholars deduce. This process will not happen without deep knowledge of Arabic, the language it was revealed in. Therefore it is very important to stress on not translating the lateral one of this holy book, because any other languages will not be able to comprehend the Arabic vocabulary. In this study, I tried to discuss all these issues and show the correct opinions among them. Finally I concluded to the consensus of all scholars tat translating Quran laterally is forbidden, but translating the meanings of Quran is allowed according to certain rules and approaches..

References used

الأشباه والنظائر / جلال الدين عبد الرحمن بن أبي بكر السيوطي/دار الكتب العلمية بيروت لبنان
البحر الرائق شرح كنز الدقائق/ زين الدين بن نجيم الحنفي/ وبهامشه منحة الخالق على البحر الرائق لابن عابدين/ دار الكتاب الإسلامي بيروت
حواشي الشرواني على تحفة المحتاج شرح المنهاج / الشرواني /دار إحياء التراث العربي/ بيروت لبنان
