The Legend of “The Resurrection” In “La Ta΄tather Amma Fa΄alt” and "Kazahr Al-Lawz Aw Aba΄ad" By Mahmoud Darwish

Abstract in English

The Study aims at following the legend of “The Resurrection” in Mahmoud Darwish. Divans: La Ta’atather Amma Fa’alt and Kazahr Al- Lawz Aw Aba’ad, This legend had come to light by the poet’s dependence on the legend of Tammouz and the legend of “The Phoenix”. Also, it depends on the idea of the Resurrection and The Judgment Day as it is in the heavenly religions. This research is an analytic and applicable study for models of Mahmoud Darwish Poetry in which the intertextuality with the legend of “The Resurrection”, is obvious.

References used

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