Sudden Non-Violent Death: A Prospective Study of 320 Cases of Sudden Nonviolent Death in Babel Governorate

Abstract in English

W.H.O has defined sudden unexpected death as the death that occurs within 24 hours from the onset of the acute symptoms that preceded death. The forensic pathologists define it as, any death which occurs suddenly and unexpectedly, usually from natural causes, in persons who were apparently in good health and in circumstances that raise suspicion and surprise. The performance of a complete autopsy in such deaths is mandatory. The aim of autopsy is to deny any traumatic or poisonous causes for death, and to find the direct pathological causes of the death. The aim of this study was to describe the epidemiology of this type of death in Babel governorate, and to compare our results with those obtained by other studies.

References used

World Health Organization. Sudden cardiac death. WHO. Tech. Rep. Ser. No.726, 1985
Bernard Knight: The pathology of sudden death. In forensic pathology, Oxford University Press, Inc., New York. 2nd edition 1996, PP: 487
Davies MJ, Popple a, : A practical approach to the forensic problems. Histopathology 1979 3:255-277
