Study of Data Size Changing Effect on Performance of Cloud, Hybrid, And Traditional DBMSs

Abstract in English

With the rapid growth of the size of the data stored in the cloud systems, the need for effective data processing becomes critical and urgent. This research introduces a study of the most important characteristics of databases management systems: Hive, SQLMR, and MariaDB Galera. Hive is a cloud database management system. SQLMR is a hybrid system, which depends on the integration between the cloud and traditional systems capabilities. While MariaDB Galera is a traditional database management system developed to cope with the cloud characteristics. In this research, we show the most important developments that have been on those systems, and then we compare their performance in data processing based on the execution time of query operations with the change of the volume of data. That is to identify the performance of those systems practically and to know the developing requirements for access to optimized data management system, and to help users in the selection of the database system that achieves their requirements in terms of availability and scalability.

References used

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