Building an images retrieval system based on content of the cerebraldigital subtraction angiography

Abstract in English

Content based 2Dcerebral digital subtraction angiography(DSA) images retrieval system has been built. The systemfinds and retrieves images fromcerebral DSA imagedatabase( Cerebral Sacular Aneurysms) which have a similar content to a query image. Retrieval is done by extracting the visual shape features of cerebral saccular aneurysms from a query image, formulating them in a feature vector, comparing feature vector components with those of the cerebralDSA images in the database. Similarity measures using Euclidian distanceare computed,based on the similarity measures, images which have a similar content to the query image are retrieved. Resolution has been calculated by finding the ratio between cerebral sacular aneurysm area in first retrieved image to cerebral sacular aneurysm area in the query image for the eight query process which have been done, average resolution was 98%. Results indicates that the designed content based image retrieval could be used to calculate unknown cerebral saccular aneurysms area from a cerebral saccular aneurysms database images whose areas are known.

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