Studying of Directed Epidemic Algorithms Used to Ensure the Reliability of Publish/Subscribe Systems
published by Tishreen University
in 2015
and research's language is
Abstract in English
Publish/Subscribe Systems become increasingly important, mainly because they
provide a full decoupling between the publishers and the subscribers, with respect to space,
time, and synchronization. This research presents an overview of publish/subscribe
systems and epidemic algorithms (especially the directed ones), and studies the
performance of directed epidemic algorithms used to ensure the reliability of
publish/subscribe systems. Adopting Scribe system and simulation using OMNET++, the
paper evaluates different directed epidemic algorithms by considering many factors:
targeted range width, number of rounds, number of nodes, and packet loss rate, on each of:
the reliability, overhead, and mean latency.
References used
COSTA, P; MIGLIAVACCA, M.; PICCO, G. P; and CUGOLA, G. Introducing reliability in content-based publish subscribe through epidemic algorithms. In DEBS ’03: Proceedings of the 2nd international workshop on Distributed event-based systems, pages 1–8, New York, NY, USA, 2003. ACM
COULOURIS, G; DOLLIMORE, J; KINDBERG, T; and BLAIR, G. DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS Concepts and Design. Fifth Edition, Addison Wesley,2011, ISBN 0-13-214301-1
ESPOSITO, C. A tutorial on reliability in publish/subscribe services. Proceedings of the 6th ACM International Conference on Distributed Event-Based Systems - DEBS ’12, pages 399-406, 2012