Knowledge Discovery in Semantic Web (Information Retrieval from Knowledge Bases)

Abstract in English

Semantic Web is a new revolution in the world of the Web, where information and data become viable for logical processing by computer programs. Where they are transformed into meaningful data network. Although Semantic Web is considered the future of World Wide Web, the Arabic research and studies are still relatively rare in this field. Therefore, this paper gives a reference study of Semantic Web and the different methods to explore the knowledge and discover useful information from the vast amount of data provided by the web. It gives a programming example like application of some of these techniques provided by the Semantic Web and methods to discover the knowledge of it. This simplified programming example provides services related to higher education Syrian government, such as information about the Syrian public universities like the name of the university (Syrian Virtual University, Tishreen, Aleppo, Damascus, and Al Baath), address of the university, its web site, number of students and a summary of the university, which helps intelligent agents to find those services dynamically.

References used

HEFLIN, J. D. Towards the Semantic Web: Knowledge Representation in a Dynamic Distributed Environment. University of Maryland, USA, 2001, 236
WALTON, C. Agency and the Semantic Web. Oxford University Press, USA, 2007, 249
HITZLER, P; KRöTZSCH, M; PARSIA, B, PATEL-SCHNEIDER, P.F; RUDOLPH, S. OWL 2 Web Ontology Language Primer. World Wide Web Consortium, 2013, 415
