Generation and Analysis of Vowel Polygons for Syrian Dialects Using a Created Speech Database

Abstract in English

Speech databases form the main foundation in the construction of automatic utterance, speaker recognition and speech recognition systems in different languages and dialects. The elements of the speech database are audio files recorded for people's voices in the required language or dialect. The more the speech database is enriched with comprehensive elements the more it contributes to produce systems that communicate with the excellent performed machine. According to the lack of speech databases for the Syrian dialects, the research did one. The created database contained sixteen voluntaries from different Syrian dialects. Voluntaries' voices were recorded in different recording conditions that is for studying the effect of variety of dialects, gender and the conditions of recording on the vowel polygons. This research invested the created speech database in the field of generating and analyzing of vowel polygons, as the vowel polygon is a geometric polygon where its vertices represent the values of formant frequencies, and the area of the polygon represents the output acoustic space.

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