Additional records of honeycomb stingray Himantura uarnak (Chondrichthyes: Dasyatidae) off the Syrian coast (Eastern Mediterranean)

Abstract in English

This paper aimed to present additional records of Honeycomb stingray Himantura uarnak (Forskal, 1775) (Chondrichthyes: Dasyatidae) off the Syrian coast (Eastern Mediterranean). Two specimens were captured in Syrian waters (Tartous coast) 35º 55’ 31”E and 34º 42’ 40’’ N. The first specimen was an adult female, and the second an adult male; they measured 1078 mm and 840 mm disk width, and weighed 31.450 kg and 15.580 kg, respectively. Morphometric measurements were recorded to the nearest millimeter, and reported as percentage of the disk width (%DW). Pieces of skin and tail were deposited in the Ichthyological collection of the Marine Sciences Laboratory, Agriculture Faculty of Tishreen University, Syria.

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