Descriptive Letters and their Genres of Imad Al-Asfahani

Abstract in English

This article is aimed at identifying descriptive letters and their genres of Imaduldeen Al-Asfahani - a poet and one of the greatest men of letters who had knowledge of both Arabic and Persian cultures in the 6th Century Hegira - as well as studying descriptive letters objectively and artistically, and revealing their role in describing the Islamic Community in the 6th Century Hegira, this article is also discussing the topics included in descriptive letters such as, the descriptions of the actions of the Sultan, cities, nature, life, the Roman and their traditions, epidemics, disasters, etc. so, this article is focusing on studying descriptive letters and their genres, and valuing the role they played in describing all aspects of life in that century.

References used

حاوي إيليا, فن الوصف و تطوره في الشعر العربي, دار الكتاب اللبناني, بيروت-لبنان, ط1, 1967م.
