Morphological and Chemical study on Salvia viridis L. (Lamiaceae) .

Abstract in English

A morphological , anatomical and chemical study was carried out on Salvia viridis L. (Lamiaceae) . The results showed presence of two types of trichomes : - Glandular hairs with four or eight celled globular heads or with oval heads . - Eglandular hairs which are unicellular or multicellular , in addition to presence of candle shaped eglandular hairs . The palynological study revealed that the pollen grains were prolate and they had six germination lines , exine appeared reticulate . The extraction of volatile oils have been done by dry evaporation using GC/MS technique , chromatographic analysis of these extracts have showed the presence of complex of carboxylic acids , hydrocarbons , terpenes , esters and aldehydes .

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