The Effect of disinfection of soil with formalin and Solarization in greenhouses soil-borne fungi

Abstract in English

The study was carried out to comparison between of of three controlling treetments, of soil-borne fungi in greenhouses. The treetments were as follows: An treeted control, Formalin 3%, soil Solarization + animal manur and solarization for 50 days, and 0 , 5, 10 ,15 and 20 cm depth.

References used

AL-ASAD, M . A., 1983. Effect of solarization on soilborne fungi and nematodes in the Central Jordan Valley . M. Sc . Thesis. Faculty of Agriculture , University of Jordan. pp.74
BARNETT H. L., 1972 . IIIustrated genera of imperfect fungi. Burgess Publisheing Co. Minneapolis. 218 pp
BELL, C. H., PRICE N., CHAKRABARTI B.1996. The ethylbromide issue. John Wiley& Sons, New York, 400 pages
