The Effect of Some Mechanical and Chemical Treatments on Carob Seeds (Ceratonia Siliqua L.) Germination

Abstract in English

The effect of different treatments on carob seed germination was studied. The results showed that, seed scarification was the most effective method in increasing germination rate as well as the use of concentrated sulfuric acid for 30 minutes reaching 100%, followed by the treatment with alcohol for 60 minutes, and immersing seeds in hot water for 60 minutes. The results also indicated that the speed of germination when seeds were scarified was the best (I.D.=14.5), followed by the treatment with concentrated sulfuric acid for 30 minutes (I.D.=21.5), alcohol for 60 minutes (I.D.= 38) and immersing seeds in hot water for 60 minutes (ID.=60).

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