Modified High Dispersion Cement with Complex Additives and Filler for Soil Improvement

Abstract in English

The use of chemical additives has been determined to be an important method for enhancing some properties of cement paste and concrete. These additives include plasticizers or superplasticizers with varieties of inorganic accelerators for hardening, or sometimes some organic agents are also used to enhance the cement properties. Recently, there is an increase in the study and use of complex chemical additives. These additives in combination can enhance each others basic positive effects. This paper refers to the cement with high dispersion that contains natural mineral filler, which is considered a connective composite material with properties related to the composition, to the proportion of raw materials, to the milling technique, and to the effect resulting from chemical additives and their role in the plasticizing process which is a more complex process. This study targets the use of the modified cement in soil improvement, especially to enhance debilitated soils.

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