The Most Common Fungal Species which are Responsible for Tinea Capitis in Children Seen in Dermatology and Veneral Diseases Hospital in Damascus

Abstract in English

Tinea capitis (TC) is a common superficial fungal infection of the scalp caused by dermatophytes, mainly by the genera Trichophyton and Microsporum.It is primarily a disease of prepubertal children, being more common in males than females . The etological factors vary from one region to another and can change within a particular region over time. This study aim to identify the The most common fungal species which are responsible for producing TC in children seen in Dermatology and Veneral Diseases Hospital in Damascus.

References used

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M. D. Richardson, D. W. Warnock, Fungal infection: diagnosis and management - 2003 –Tinea capitis- Geographical distribution, P 83-84
