A study of hyperimmunoglobulin E syndrome in Damascus University Children’s Hospital

Abstract in English

Hyperimmunoglobulin E (Job) syndrome is considered to be a relatively rare disease. Its characterized by recurrent infections in skin (eg. boils, abscesses), recurrent upper respiratory tract infections (eg. otitis media, sinusitis and mastoiditis), and lower respiratory infections (eg. recurrent pneumonia, which is often complicated by pneumatoceles and lung abscess), that are usually difficult to treat. The highly increased IgE levels are considered to be the hallmark of the disease. The syndrome has two types: one is inherited as an autosomal recessive, and the other, as an autosomal dominant trait. To highlight the clinical manifestations and laboratory findigs of Job disease, and to compare it with medical literature, to study the bacterial complications and differrent types of antibacterial treatments and treir results, and to increase the level of awareness among physicians.

References used

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