Unemployment in Syria Features & Visions& Solutions ( 2010 – 2000 )

Abstract in English

The new crisis of Arab countries aria proved that openness on global economy would expose their economies to global economy crisis, which destroyed economic gains due to economical openness. Youth, poor and neglected people played main role in these crisis, demanding for work opportunities and ending unemployment problem. This research focuses on unemployment in Syria within last decade, and expects unemployment within next decade. It showed that unemployment reached new high level in the middle of last decade. Youth people were the most affected in that period. This need new trend towards knowledge sectors to face new predicted future employment in addition to unemployment.

References used

المجموعات الإحصائية ( 2001 - 2011 ). المكتب المركزي للإحصاء , رئاسة مجلس الوزراء, الجمهورية العربية السورية.
