Statistical Analysis for the Production of Irrigated Wheat in Syria during the period 2000-2010

Abstract in English

There are many ideas that come to the mind and many questions that keep coming to the mind when it comes to analyzing the phenomenon of using the methods and tools to help in the planning and making appropriate decisions. In this research we tried to display the importance of statistics and the most important methods depending on the number of variables used in this analysis: descriptive statistical indicators in case we had one variable, indexes in case we had two variables, and factor analysis and analysis of variance in case we had several variables. These methods were applied to production of irrigated wheat crop, both types soft and hard, during the period 2000 - 2010 and the factors affecting its production, such as: the cultivated area, yield, fertilizers, water, the average cost and the average price. Then the data were analyzed using the Statistical package SPSS and program Excel. After that, they summarized in two main factors that justify together (86.116%) of the overall variance. The first factor was related to the land and everything related to it through a set of variables, which are: the cultivated area and the need to fertilizers and water., The second factor was the importance of the selling price of the crop per kilogram.

References used

المجموعة الإحصائية الزراعية السنوية للأعوام ( 2000-2006-2009 ), وزارة الزراعة و الإصلاح
