Zionist lobby and its impact on U.S. foreign policy

Abstract in English

After the research and study conducted about the Zionist Lobby in the United States, we've come to the conclusion that the Zionist Lobby is one of the most organized, funded and pervasive lobbies in American society. This makes it stronger and more effective and the impact on the decision-making in the United States. This enabled the Zionist Lobby to exploit the abilities and potential and influence to serve the Zionist entity, as well as his quest to associate the Israeli interests with the supreme interests of the USA. Therefore, the United States' duty to do everything that would maintain the existence and sustainability of "Israel", through supporting it politically, economically and militarily. Indeed, this is evident when we look at the biased American attitude, in favor of Israel in relation to the issue of Arab- Israeli conflict and the peace process in the Middle East. This prompted many observers and political analysts to say that the American foreign policy is the policy of the "Israeli" par excellence.

References used

GUTTMAN, N. "Some Senior U.S. Figures say syria has crossed the red line", Ha'aretz, April 14, 2004
GUTTMAN, N. "Senators, Congressmen put pro-Israel Stance in writing," Ha'aretz, April 18, 2003
