The Changes in The (Syrian – Turkish ) Relations Between (2000-2012)

Abstract in English

This study aimed to reveal changes in (Syrian- Turkish) relation ,though this relation is too sensitive, the study separated into two phases: -First: covers the rapprochement period between the two countries, till the year 2011. - Second: covers the Syrian crisis period when the two countries diverged. As a result, we see that Turkish –Syrian relations kept on developing in all fields in the first phase till the strategic cooperation in 2009 between them . but when the Syrian crisis happened, turkey found that the change which might happen in Syria could bring allies of The AKP (Muslim Brotherhood ),that means retake the old Turkish strategic domain , that cause stress and regress in the relation between Turkey and Syria, Turkey has started to plan to control and intervene in internal Syrian matters, it has been started by putting economic sanctions on Syria which had abad effect on the standard of living for Syrian inhabitants, then it started to go deeper in its intervention by planning to destroy Syrian industry and stealing industrial companies and factories ,especially in Aleppo.

References used

الجهماني ، يوسف ابراهيم ، تركيا وسوريا ، دار حوران للطباعة والنشر ، دمشق ، 1999
