The Role of Personal Communication in Ideas Promotion "A Field Study on a Sample of Receivers to Islamic Ideas""

Abstract in English

Intellectual promoting one of the most important activities that has an effect on societies, especially when it is related to ideas, Because of the massive amount of ideas, those related religious and how promote that ideas in modern style away from extremism. This research aims to show the importance of promotion to the right ideas of moderate Islam, and to know the role of clergyman in providing the Islamic intellectual in right way. The researcher had studied the qualities, conditions and qualifications of the clergyman and the effect of that on provide the ideas to the new generation and their Islamic behavior. Research society include educational organizations that belong to Islamic ministry, the sample consist of (300) items. The data analyzed by SPSS program and the result showed that: Clergyman affects on improving Islamic ideas(0.915). The personality of clergyman explains (98,3%) of changes in Islamic Ideas.

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