A Study of the Problem of Self-Incompatibility in the "Khodeiri" Variety and Some Pollinated Olive Varieties

Abstract in English

The self-incompatibility problem appeared in the Khodeiry variety widely grown In Lattakia. When this phenomenon was studied on the Khodeiry variety in two areas (Jabla and Boqa), the results showed that this variety is self-sterile, i.e. it is not able to pollinate itself or the flowers of other trees of the same variety, and its fruit is very small and do not contain seeds. The results also showed that the flower abortion percentage in the Khodeiry variety is due to the genetic factor which varies depending on the variety. The study investigated the self-compatibility in some olive varieties in order to use them as pollinizers for the Khodeiry variety with the result that the Gellet, Soufrawy and Sourany varieties are particularly compatible and have a high compatibility with the Khodeiry variety. Based on these results, it is recommended that pollinated varieties are grown between olive orchards to improve fruit and to increase its production.

References used

ANDROULAKIS,I.I.and LOUPASSAKI, M.H. (1990).Studies on the self fertility of some olive cultivars in the area of certe.Acta Horticulturae,286:159- 162
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CRONQIST, A.(1988). The evolution and classification of flowering plants. Second Edition. New York Botanical Garolen.Bronk, New York,556
