The aim of current research was to study some diagnostic characteristics /morphological, physical, chemical/and the origin structureofforest soils in Syrian coastal region. In addition to estimation of microbial activity of some microbial groups/bacteria, fungi, actinomycete/ to establish a general view of these soils. Two complete sections were prepared in the considered soils /Safita-Tartous/ andsamples were taken after the soils sections description for diagnostic characterization. The results showed that the soil pH was between neutral and tiny basic and because of the richnessof the studied soil by calcium carbonate. However, the highest percentage of organic matter in all sections were concentrated in the surface horizon and was decreasing with depth. Our results also showed that the microbial activity was positively correlated with the content of the organic matter and negatively with the depth, so the total number of bacteria and fungi was decreasing in the under surface horizon. A muddymetamorphosedhorizon (Bm) was formed in the two sections.