Inventory of Pastoral Plants in Daher Al Kheribat Stand (Jableh – Lattakia) and Determination their Relative Importance

Abstract in English

The research had been implemented in Daher Al Kheribat stand in Jableh area in Syria in 2014- 2015 with the aim to inventory and characterize the herbal vegetation cover. Four sites were chosen in the stand. We adopted Parker method to estimate the plant coverage and relative coverage, and the method of squares was adopted to estimate the intensity and frequency. Plant samples were collected from the stand and dried and then classified based on Flora available. 42 species were registered belonging to 35 genuses distributed in 16 families. The number of plant species palatable was higher than the number of plant species unpalatable. Bromus squarrosus L. recorded the highest relative importance (28.3%), followed by Alopecurus urticulatus Banks & Sol (15.1%) then Euphorbia helioscopia L. (9.0%), The Bromus squarrosus L plant and the Alopecurus urticulatus Banks & Sol are good pastoral while the Euphorbia helioscopia L. plant is worthless pastoral.

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