" Effect of boron and zinc foliar fertilization on the yield and its components of faba bean (Vicia faba L).

Abstract in English

the experiment was conducted under Syrian coastal conditions to investigate (Vicia fabaL.), the effect of boron and zinc foliar fertilization on faba bean,either individually or in combination, by increased rates (0, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, and 1 kg boron / has boric acid, and zinc at a rate of 0, 0.375, 0.750, 1.125, and 1.5 kg / ha as zinc sulfate). where fababeans were plantedin plastic pots(15L) in )2013/11/10(and )2014/11/10(.The soil in pots has high content of calcium carbonate, low boron and zinc content, with pH slightly basic (representative of the region's soils). Half boron and zinc fertilizer rates were sprayed after 33 days of germination and the other half ,after 65 days of germination. The results showed significant responses in all studied parameters (number of branches,number of pods / plant, weight of 100 seeds, and seed yield (Kg. / ha) on faba bean plant, as a result of foliar fertilization by boron and zinc. Fababeans response to boron is higher than to zinc fertilization in all studied indicators. However,the treatmentB75Zn75(0.75 kg boric acid and 1.125kg of zinc sulfate) is the best, as compared to others. Also, the driedseeds yield was increased by about 17.66%.

References used

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