The Impact of the US Occupation of Iraq on the Social Life of Iraqi Children and Violation of Their Rights A Field Study of a Research Sample of Iraqi Refugee Children in Damascus

Abstract in English

The present research aims at studying the impact, which the US Occupation of Iraq has left on the children's social life and violation of their rights, through a field research study of a sample of Iraqi Refugee children and their families, currently staying in Damascus. The study is divided into five main parts, where the first part deals with the War on Iraq, its threats to children, pointing out the number of the refugees throughout the Syrian Governorates, and explaining the demographic, health and educational conditions of those children. The second part deals with the basic patterns of the research; explaining the importance of the research, its goals, enquiries and the patterned measures adopted, while defining the original community, the research sample, and the method adopted. The third part deals with a number of Arab and Foreign studies, pointing out the position of this research in relation to these studies. As for the fourth part, it brings in an analysis of the US Occupation^ impact on the Iraqi children, who are now refugees in Syria, as the fifth part reviews the basic results reached and all enquiries related.

References used

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