German- Saudi Relations On the Eve of the SecondWorld War

Abstract in English

This research mainly is based on one basic topic, namely, the observation of German-Saudi relations in the period prior to the Second World War. This study focuses on brief historical presentation of Arab- European relation in the light of the important historical events which took place in the period between the world wars, it also observes the foreign policy of Germany and its position in the stage of international policy Furthermore, the research answers legitimate questions such as: To what extent had Germany responded to the Saudi request for providing the kingdom with advanced weapons ? What is the strategy of king Abdul Aziz AL Saud in foreign policy? And What are the most important results of the German- Saudi relations on the eve of the Second World War?

References used

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Wolffsohn, Michael : German Saudi Arabien Arms Deals , 1936 – 1939 , Frankfurt 1985
