Language and Composition in "Jidariya" Darwish's Poem

Abstract in English

Language and formulation in Darwish's Jidarriyah, which was published in 1990, are discussed in this study by exploring the phenomena of linguistics and formulation, such as, intertextuality, symbolism, mythology, poetic imagery and repetition. This study also takes into consideration that art work is an artistic perception of reality and that the relationship between art and reality is qualitative. In The Jidarnyah, language is discussed thoroughly, and a lot of questions are raised; Language is the only realm left for the poet to reign. Darwish's use of language is always ahead of its time and regenerated. It holds within it the traditional and creates modern figures of speech which amaze the reader. Darwish is also able to imply new interpretations of words. Moreover, Poetic symbolism is strongly illustrated in the poetic experience. Darwish formed the poem by using symbols which unite and emphasize the theme, pulling the joints of the poem together and creating a fundamental reference to read. Darwish also used various elements in order to create imageries, which hold emotional and intellectual realms at a moment. Redundancy was used to emphasize the dominating idea and create a rhythmic balance.

References used

أدونيس، زمن الشعر، ظاهرة الشعر المعاصر في المغرب، دار العودة، . بيروت، 1979
بارت، رولان، نظرية النص، تر. محي الشملي وآخرين، تونس، 1988
بنيس، محمد، ظاهرة الشعر المعاصر في المغرب، دار العودة، بيروت، 1979
