'Women's Literature in the Abbasid Era and its Artistic Features'

Abstract in English

Women shared men in the cultural aspects of life during the Abbasid ear, by proving to be famous poets and authors. A group of women were very creative in poetry through its various topics, such as praise, criticism and other topics. In Prose, women expressed their wide background knowledge especially in two main areas in prose: the art of personal correspondence and the art of dedication. Women's contribution in the field of literature during the Abbasid time, was actually a reflection of their interaction with the cultural background of that era and an attempt for meeting the needs to be open to the new civilisation arid a reflection of the ability to mingle with other types of art in all fields. Women's contribution therefore is an indication of their mental and intellectual potentials and the prominent role they played by that time to give in the end a good example through their genuine literature and writing..

References used

أشعار أولاد الخلفاء وأخبارهم من كتاب الأوراق، الصولي، نشره ج. هيورث، 1936 م.
الأغاني، أبو الفرج الأصبهاني، دار إحياء التراث العربي، بيروت، مصورة عن طبعة دار الكتب المصرية، دون تاريخ.
تاريخ الأمم والملوك، الطبري، تحقيق محمد أبو الفضل إبراهيم، دار سويدان، بيروت، دون تاريخ.
