Calibration of some (height-diameter) Equations for QuercuscalliprinosWebb.MaquisGrown on the Eastern Versants of the Syrian Coastal Mountains

Abstract in English

This research aims to test some equations, used in different regions and forest types, for assessing the total height of shoots in the oak )Quercuscalliprinos) Maquis forests, depending on diameter,which enable the estimation of volumes without measuringthe height of these shoots. This is very important to saveefforts, time and moneyinvested by foresters. The study included102 samples distributed within the most important oak forests on the eastern exposition of the coastal mountains. The plots have rectangular shape with 50 shoots at least. The plots vary in shoot density, soil fertility and Maquiage. In each sample we measured the diameter at a height of 30 cm, the total height of (10-20) shoots of various diameters (low-medium-dominant).

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