The Moral Question between Aristotle and Averroes

Abstract in English

The study of the ethical issue in the Aristotelian attitude and Averroes one is the aim of this research. It also studies and analyzes the point of view of each one of them in three fields which are: • The originality of ethics and its field • The virtue theory • Virtues varieties and arrangements According to our dealing with this case, we work on specifying the degree of similarities and differences between the two philosophers. We try to show the Aristotelian moral effect in the Islamic_ Arab intellectual space represented by Averroes whose understanding of Aristotelian ethics in the process of reading and analyzing Plato Republic. In the light of the above, we have the right to ask whether Averroes has an independent ethical theory or he followed the approach of his predecessors, especially Aristotle in his similarity with his ethical issue.

References used

ابن رشد, تلخيص الخطابة, تحقيق محمد سليم سالم, القاهرة, 1967.
ابن رشد, تلخيص السياسة, ترجمة حسن مجيد العبيدي, دار التكوين, دمشق, 2008.
