The Dramatic Dimension of Popular Literature: Lullabies in Old Arabic Literature

Abstract in English

This paper views folk literature as one of acceptability and of rejection at the same time. It is also concerned with the dramatic dimension of the art of lullaby in classical Arabic literature because choreography was associated with the art of singing all along, and lullabies are considered an example of their combination, because they were arranged in accordance with a choreographic effect. And, since movement is the basis of drama, there follows the relation between lullabies and drama. This paper examines this subject in terms of the following mechanism: -Identifying the terms which will form the pivot of this paper. - The dramatic content of these lullabies - The characteristics of dramatic discourse This study stems from the idea that every discourse has a counter- discourse, and that every thought has its counter–thought. Thus, what is the relation between voice and thought on the one hand, and what are the dramatic discursive interactions in these lullabies on the other?

References used

(Aristotle, Physic, Trans and I rod (The Clarendon pres. Oxford, 1970
Baldacci Chris, concise Dictionary of Literary Terms, Oxford university press, 1996
(Metaphysics, edited by Williams Reaper, (London, 1938
