Reading and Education for Syrian Youth: (A Field Study of Damascus University Student)
published by Damascus University
in 2009
and research's language is
Abstract in English
Reading is playing an important role in shaping the youth culture,
however degree and quality of reading paper resources such as(books,
magazines, newspapers and periodicals ..etc) are different between youth.
Its depends on social upbringing, family background(education,
employment and profession) and individual diversities such as (age's, sex,
level education and specialization takeoff this hypotheses.
References used
ESCWA ، Regional Features Of The Information Community In South Western Asia Countries ،U. N. ، New York 2005
عمران، كامل، محددات ثقافة الشباب في سورية، دراسات إستراتيجية، جامعة دمشق، السنة الثالثة، (العدد 9)، دمشق، 2003
أبو حلاوة، كريم، البعد الثقافي للعولمة، عالم الفكر، مجلد 29 ، آذار 2001