North and South: Geographical Meaning and International Contemporary Usage

Abstract in English

The research aims at finding the facts through which the world is divided to North and South. To achieve that it uses Geography Studies that deals with physical characteristics which make natural environment have phenomena being in north-south based conditions on Earth surface. There're strong relations between these characteristics and the astronomical positions according to which climate factors are projected. And that has evaluating considerations in Political Geography. The research also uses Human Geography means some of which may be according to natural features like economic activities, demographic positions and social characteristics in general. In spite of the fact that dividing the world to North and South was done by strategic colonial policies for some purposes, the researcher found that some physical and human phenomena were originated in north-south based conditions in their nature or influence. And those conditions were used by western powers for their own interests.

References used

Abigail N. Sanya, Macmillan Primary School Atlas for Social Studies, Macmillan, Kenya, 2005
Beer, F., C., de, Rural and Urban Development Administration, Pretoria: University of South Africa, 2005
جابر، محمد مدحت، جغرافية العالم الإقليمية، عمان: دار صفاء للنشر والتوزيع، 1998 م
