The Cultural Life in Damascus in the Last Optoman Age (1876-1918)

Abstract in English

This research highlights the cultural life and thought in Damascus in the last Ottoman rule. It brings into sight the historical dimension of the city of Damascus which is considered one of the most important cultural centers of knowledge in the Arab east. It speaks also about the importance of the mass knowledge means as printing, press and libraries and their role in the flourishing of the cultural life and keeping the cultural heritage in Damascus.

References used

جوزيف الياس، تطور الصحافة السورية، دار النضال، دمشق 1988
ترجمان، سهام، يا مال الشام، الطبعة الثالثة، دمشق 1990
Johannes Gutenberg(1400-1468), Wikepedia, Die freie Enzyklopadie, 2008
