Oriental Influence in the Poetry of the Andalusian Poet Ibn Khafaja

Abstract in English

This research depends on one main idea: it is the influence of oriental Arab literature on Andalusi Literature. This idea has been shown with an Arabic poet Ibn Khafaja, who seems very influenced by Arabic poems in the East (Iraq & Cham). It seems that this poet declared that he followed specified steps of other poets, sometimes he was influenced indirectly, and that is what this research is going to clear.

References used

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الصنوبري، أبو بكر أحمد بن محمد بن الحسن الضبي. ديوان الصنوبري. بيروت: . دار الثقافة، 1970
حجاجي، حمدان. باقة من شعر ونثر الحنان ابن خفاجة الأندلسي. باريس، 1983
