Literature and Politics Readings about the Story of the Tiger and the Fox by Sahl Ibn Haroun

Abstract in English

The primary and the simple image of the fable's tales was a myth starting it as only an instinctive reason of scientific facts or a natural phenomenon. Those fable tales transformed from a naive starting (public life, foloklore) to literary and a scientific position. They were written them as a kind of wisdom and education, they include a moral purpose, a social lesson, educational goal or a political criticism. We mean they have a symbolic meaning. This research deals with the explainion of the political function of fable's tales symobolism and their influence upon the reader. It starts with an introduction referring to the expression form, then it talks about the critical political implications of this narrative art using the story of The Tiger and The Fox by Sahl Ibn Haroun, an example.

References used

بدوي، أمين عبد المجيد: جولة في شاهنامة الفردوسي، مكتبة النهضة المصرية، القاهرة، د.ت.
الجاحظ، أبو عثمان عمرو بن بحر: البيان والتبيين، تح: عبد ال  سلام هارون، دار الفكر، بيروت، د.ت.
حميدة، عبد الرزاق: قصص الحيوان في الأدب العربي، مكتبة الأنجلو المصرية، القاهرة، د.ت.
