Arabic Newspapers Discourse: Rhetorical Features, Discourse Markers, Strategies and Organization

Abstract in English

The aim of this investigation is to explore the main rhetorical features of an Arabic newspaper discourse. To this end, extracts form two popular Jordanian newspapers were analyzed. The results of this study indicate that one of the features of this type of discourse is redundancy, i.e. repetition of the same lexical item. Another feature is the explicit use of evaluative statements to support the writer’s point of view. Moreover, the results of this study revealed that Arabic newspaper discourse clearly marks clause relations especially subordinating clauses, and that discourse markers are mainly used to mark the relationships of contrast between or among propositions in this type of discourse.

References used

Al-Jubouri, Adnan, J.R. (1983) "The Role of Repetition in Arabic Argumentative Discourse". In Swales, J. and Mustafa, H. (eds.) English for Specific Purposes in the Arab World, PP.99-117. The Language Studies Unit, University of Aston, Birmingham: UK
Agee, W., Ault, P. and Emery, E.(1983) Reporting and writing the news. Harper and Row Publishers: New York
Altschull, J.H. (1984) Agents of Power. Longman: New York and London
