Autonomy in Distance English Language Learning

Abstract in English

Open and distance learning is experiencing a rapid growth throughout the world and Syria is no exception. With the turn of the new millennium, Syria launched two state institutes for distance learning: The Open Learning Centre (opened in 2001) and the Syrian Virtual University (opened in 2002). The Syrian Virtual University (SVU), one of its kind in the whole Arab region, offers students the opportunity to gain education through an online learning environment based on the latest technology. Since Syria is a country where English has become an important educational requirement, the teaching of English as a foreign language has therefore entered the arena of distance learning.

References used

Barnett L., (1993). ‘Teacher off: computer technology, guidance and self-access.’ System, 21 (3). 295-304
Benson, P. (2001). Teaching and researching autonomy in language learning. Harlow, Pearson Education Limited
Benson, P. (2002). Learner autonomy 7: challenges to research and practice. Dublin, Authentik
