Environmental Communication Environmental Issues in Syrian Newspapers- An Analytical Study of Albaath, Althawra, and Teshreen Newspapers During the First Half of 2008

Abstract in English

The problem of this study is focused on how environmental issues are presented in Syrian newspapers due to the importance of the environment, the variety of dangers it involves and how journalism deals with it. This study aims at knowing to what extent Syrian newspapers are interested in the environmental issue and how they introduce it. This study answers a number of questions: What is the number, the nature, the focus, the quality and the quantity of the topics which are concerned with the environmental issue in the studied newspapers (Albaath, Althawra, and Teshreen). These newspapers were selected for many reasons: They are the oldest Syrian newspapers which are still published, and they constitute the main base of Syrian newspapers. A sample was drawn randomly from these newspapers during the first six months of 2008 by the use of the regular industrial week method.

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