Atmospheric Irregularilis in Syria During (10-18 May, 2007)

Abstract in English

The irregular atmospheric situations that happened in Syria in the last few years, caused unusual rainfalls that badly affected the environment they appeared especially in the interior regions of Syria. They are called the local rainfalls in special regions, either in spring when it becomes hot, or in autumn before it becomes cold. The unexpected rainfalls that happened in May in 2007, were exceptional because it rained heavily for along time. This event is caused by many atmospheric factors and local reasons. The results were great floods and inundation which caused losses in properties and souls and that led to soil Erosion.

References used

Dayan, U & Ricahard, A ; Heavy Rain in the Middle East Related to Unusual Jet Stream Properites. Bulletin. A.M.S, Vol.64, 1983, pp.1138-1140
علي موسى؛ أساسيات علم المناخ، دار الفكر، دمشق، 1994 م.
نعمان شحادة؛ مناخ الأردن، دار البشير. عمان، 1990.
